jeudi 29 mars 2007

The Teacher Librarian is the best resource in the Library

[s.n.],Kylie.The Teacher Librarian is the best resource in the Library. Libraryleader(on line).2006-04-20
Accessibility : <>


"* evidence- benefits of collaborating and. aim of building a professional learning community and avoiding fragmentation individual attention for high and low achievers. The more time library media specialists spend identifying useful materials and information for teachers, planning and delivering instruction with them, and providing in-service training to teachers, the higher the level of academic achievement by students. (Lance)strong correlation between increased student achievement and effective school library programs. (Teacher/TL Collaboration)the single greatest factor affecting school student achievement is the school library.(Teacher/TL Collaboration)Benefits for the Teacher of collaboration with TLIncreased understading of available resourcesmore Individual help for students and more supervision for small group."


Dublin Core Analysis

DC Title : The Teacher Librarian is the best resource in the Library
DC Creator : Kylie
DC Subject :role of teacher-librarians, library media specialists,mission of teacher-librarians, collaboration of teacher and teacher-Librarians
DC Description : "This article would be written for a non-teacher librarian audience about an aspect of a topic covered by this subject : facilitating collaboration/communication between teachers and the teacher librarian."
DC Publisher :libraryleader
DC Date.updating : 2006-04-20
DC Type : text
DC Format : HTML
DC Identifier :
DC Language : ‘en’
DC Coverage :world

Information seeking in an electronic environment - Module 3

LOURDES, David T.Information seeking in an electronic environment - Module 3 .Information and Informatics Unit UNESCO (on line). Bangkok, Thailand : 2002, 123 p. Consulted the 2007-03-29
Accessibility :


"ICT has caused changes in the representation of knowledge—from analog to digital. Theshift has led to:
• New information formats: Multimedia information can be created, stored and distributedin digital format as CD-ROM or on hard disks and other digital storage media.
• New ways of distributing and accessing information: Tools to access information, fulltextand multimedia information can be accessed from remote sites viatelecommunications facilities.
• New information services: Tools to access information can be used even from remotesites via LANs and WANs
• New knowledge and skills required of librarians."


Dublin Core Analysis

DC Title : Information seeking in an electronic environment (Module 3)
DC Creator : LOURDES, David T.
DC Subject : education, information and communication technology, library management system,learning environment, glossary, information seeking
DC Description : "This is Module 3 of the ICT for Library and Information Professionals (ICTLIP) Training Package for Developing Countries. This Package is intended to provide the knowledge and skills required to deal with the application of ICT to library and information services. It is meant for library and information personnel who may become trainers in the area. The Package has been developed by the UNESCO Asia & Pacific Regional Office with funding from the Japanese Fund in Trust for Communication and Information. It contains six modules: Module 1 - Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies Module 2 - Introduction to Integrated Library Systems Module 3 - Information Seeking in an Electronic Environment Module 4 - Database Design, and Information Storage and Retrieval Module 5 - The Internet as an Information Resource Module 6 - Web Page Concept and Design: Getting a Web Page Up and Running"
DC Publisher : Information and Informatics Unit UNESCO
DC Contributor : LARGE, John Andrew
DC Date : 2002
DC Type : Educational text
DC Format : PDF
DC Source : ICT for Library and Information professionals : A Training Package for Developing Countries
DC Language : ‘en’
DC Coverage : Developing Countries

jeudi 22 mars 2007

Introduction to Integrated Library Systems - Module 2

LOURDES, David T. Introduction to Integrated Library Systems.Information and Informatics Unit UNESCO (on line). Bangkok, Thailand : 2001, 150 p. Consulted the 2007-03-22
Accessibility :

This educational document consists of lessons, exercises and advice for the application of the ICT in developing countries. Hear an extract:

"Lesson 1. What are library management systems?


-What is a library management system?
-What is library automation?
-What is an integrated library system?
-What are the general features and functional modules of an integrated library system?
-What library automation standards are supported by most systems?
-What is the status of libraries in the Asian region?


By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
-Define library management system, library automation, and integrated library system
-Describe the general features and basic functional modules of an integrated library
-Define the role of standards in library automation and resource sharing
-Recognize the importance of a bibliographic record in machine-readable format
-Be aware of the situation of libraries in the Asian region concerning integrated library

Dublin Core Analysis

DC Title : Introduction to Integrated Library Systems - Module 2
DC Creator :
DC Subject : education, information and communication technology, library management system,learning environment, glossary
DC Description : This educational document consists of lessons, exercises and advice for the application of the ICT in developing countries.
DC Publisher : Information and Informatics Unit UNESCO
Contributor : LARGE, John Andrew
DC Date : 2001
DC Type : Educational document
DC Format : PDF
DC Identifier :
DC Source : ICT for Library and Information professionals : A Training Package for Developing Countries
DC Language : ‘en’
DC Coverage : Developing Countries

jeudi 15 mars 2007

Libraries as ICT and Information Access Points in Africa : Success Cases and Best Practices

WERE, Jacinta. Libraries as ICT and Information Access Points in Africa : Success Cases and Best Practices. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) (on line). University of Nairobi KENYA:2006-03-20. Consulted the 15-03-07
Access to the URL :

Dublin Core Analysis

DC Title : Libraries as ICT and Information Access Points in Africa : Success Cases and Best Practices
DC Creator : WERE, JacintaDC Subject : Information and Communications Technologies in Libraries, status of Information and Communications Technologies, information services consortium, Information and Communication Technologies, Internet connectivity, Politic of Information and Communications Technologies, Information and Communications Technologies strategies, universities, Africa
DC Description : This text presents a balance sheet(assessment) on the situation of the ICT of Africa. It establishes the importance to develop the Information and Communication Technologies which play an important role in enhancing efficiency in national development process and improving governance. He concludes on recommendation and improvement for the integration of the ICT in bookshops.
DC Publisher : United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
DC Date : 2006-03-20
DC Format :Ppt
DC Identifier :
DC Language : 'en'
DC Coverage : Africa