samedi 21 avril 2007

"Oh, where is a teacher librarian when you really need one?!"

SPENCE, Sue. "Oh, where is a teacher librarian when you really need one?!". School LibraryAssociation of South Australia (SLASA) (on line). South Australia : 2002, 3 p.
Accessibility : <>


"Since the library was often the first place to have computers, many schools have come to rely
on the ICT skills of the teacher librarian, who may manage the school’s intranet or even the
school network and web site. Teacher librarians are certainly at the forefront of knowledge
management as they implement the new Amlib library automation system. If schools are
interested in online learning, such skills and knowledge in their teacher librarian are a great


Dublin Core Analysis

DC Title : "Oh, where is a teacher librarian when you really need one?!"
DC Creator : SPENCE, Sue
DC Subject : teacher-Librarians, budget cuts, learning role for teacher-Librarians, teaching role for teacher-Librarians, collaboration of the teachers and teacher-Librarians
DC Description : This text present the different facets of the potential role teacher librarians can play in schools, his contribution to the teaching and learning programmes and different
management services which they propose.
DC Publisher : School LibraryAssociation of South Australia (SLASA)
DC Source : AEU Journal, SA branch, June 2002
DC Date : 2002
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Language : 'en'
DC Coverage : world
DC Rights : © Sue Spence, 2002

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