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"Library staff are the best resource in the library. Library staff can help you plan a unit of work, find a resource, integrate ICT into your teaching, or answer a reference question.
Teacher-librarians can help you cater for individual learning styles, abilities and cultural
differences through access to a wide range of print and electronic resources."
Dublin Core Analysis
DC Title : What a teacher-librarian can do for you
DC Creator : School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV)
DC Subject : School Library Association of Victoria, teacher-librarian, role of teacher-librarian
DC Description : This text sings the praises of the teacher-librarian. It aims has promote the status of these persons for schools, show their importance and fact that they are major actors in the success of the pupils.
DC Publisher : School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV)
DC Type : Text
DC Format : pdf
DC Identifier :
DC Language : 'en'
DC Coverage : world